Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Baby Proof

Funny how someone so tiny can require so many big things. Even though Adelaide isn't mobile and wrecking havoc throughout the house just yet, her stuff has taken over. I'm talking gadgets multiple gadgets in each room. Changing stations strategically placed throughout both levels. Feeding supplies have taken over our kitchen and pantry. (Yes, gasp she is fed formula. Save me the you are a bad mom thought too. Not everyone chooses to breastfeed. Not everyone can. I wasn't breastfed & I turned out just fine and my mommy & I couldn't be closer.) Dirty diapers make for more frequent trips to take the trash out. Our bed hasn't been made in 3 weeks now; sorry beautiful decorative pillows. Oh and let's not forget the delightful throwback blankets gracing our couch to avoid spit ups :)

But I wouldn't change a thing because all of that means we have this sweet face in our lives:

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