Saturday, February 5, 2011

Decisions, Decisions

With all decisions, there is a thought process. A system if you will. In business, we use very specific decision-making tactics in order to be profitable and successful. So why should we approach our relationships any different?

5 (easy!) steps that can help make decisions within your relationships a little bit less painful.

Decisions in Marriage Worksheet

1. Prayer- generally how we start the day so why should starting a decision be any different
2. Discernment- educating ourselves and our significant other is key in making an informed and unbiased decision
3. Mutual Agreement- if two people do not agree, then what is the point of making a decision?
4. Mutual Responsibility- if two people do not want to hold themselves accountable for a decision, then how will the action ever be taken?
5. Re-evalaution- we make decisions at certain times due to circumstances; however with life changes, our decisions need to be re-evaluated at times.

Go ahead, try it! 

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