Sunday, February 6, 2011

Forgiveness, The Heart of the Matter

This is the final blog entry in the Engaged Encounter series. I have thoroughly enjoyed blogging about our special weekend as it made the experience last even longer. I hope that the past week's entries have helped you too in some way: either personally or relationship wise.

The last piece of the puzzle is forgiveness, arguably one of the more difficult topics. I, myself, have trouble letting go which makes forgiving seem like an unlikely outcome. But if I cannot forgive, then our marriage will never succeed. As Ryan once said, "are you too good to forgive me?" The answer is NO. If Jesus can forgive our sins, then who am I to not be able to forgive others, especially those who I love & who love me.

Forgiveness Worksheet
I pray that this worksheet will help you to forgive. There is much freedom in forgiving another. The release of negative emotion and the feeling of being free from such dark thoughts. Forgiving becomes contagious. Just let it go...


  1. Great post and series. I love you!!!

  2. Thanks Rachie!!! Love you too! Cannot wait to meet the first legacy in our pledge class ;)
