Thursday, April 15, 2010

Hell on the Heart

I have long been a believer in the saying "everything happens for a reason." Probably a combo of faith and maintaining my sanity through life's little (or big) mishaps. So yesterday, once again, my belief in this very concept was solidified.

Timing is key in everything. I had to complete my last task at work, gather my belongings, sip my last drop of water, scurry to my car, fiddle to make sure all things were in place once I was in the car, and flip to the great country station of 105.5...just in time to hear it.

To hear the song that generated a new found confidence in me. The song that I have and will continue to play non-stop until I become one with it. The song that I pretend was written for me.

Eric Church's Hell on the Heart

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