Friday, April 26, 2024

Salem Lucille: 6 1/2 Years Old

 Dearest Salem,

My sweet little baby girl, growing up before my eyes. Your personality is blossoming daily as is your awareness of the world around you. I love our daily conversations where you show how mature you are yet just how innocent you are in the same sentence.

You are crushing it in Kindergarten. Learning how to read, do simple math & writing beautifully. You even had the honor of reading in mass a few weeks ago. You practiced daily and beamed with pride on the altar.

You’re in your second year of competitive dance and absolutely loving it! You competed in your first solo competition and did amazing~ first at Ballard then Top 10 in the National show. You have a lead part in your hip hop group dance and shake it well!

You are a kind soul~ always giving hugs and saying I love yous. You are a huge helper with the puppies. You are the first to cheer on your big brothers and you are smitten with your big sister. You have a heart made of gold!

Being your mom is truly a blessing  I cannot wait to watch you continue to grow and be YOU!

I love you!



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