Sunday, May 19, 2024

Aspen Thompson: 10 Years Old

 Dearest Aspen,

Oh my son, you’re a decade old today. I blinked and you turned from baby to big boy. The amount of growth you’ve shown in your short life has been nothing short of incredible!

You’ve loved every minute of 3rd grade with Mrs. Schulten. You’ve thrived in the classroom~ math & reading, social studies & science. Truly enjoying the process of learning. 

You’re a friend to all~ inclusive and considerate. You are constantly aware of other’s feelings and emotions. A quality that I truly admire about you. 

At the start of the year, you made a goal to qualify for Southerns. You buckled down, worked hard on & off the court. Spent every other weekend traveling to play tournaments and grind on the court. You succeeded in your quest and I could not be more proud of your commitment to your goals. 

You are the sweetest young man. You are handsome yet humble. You love your mommy and I hope that never changes. 

I love you!



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