Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Brighton Kevin: 7 1/2 Years Old

Dearest Brighton Kevin,

You are growing up before my very eyes! You are truly growing taller and stronger; it is crazy to look back at recent pictures and see you transform from an older toddler into a try big boy. You are so wise and very aware of many things making you appear much more mature than the average first grader.

You are excelling at your AR Reading, rapidly increasing your book level day by day. You continue to flourish academically. You also have been working hard to keep your daily dojos by being less chatty during class time ;) Ms. Chaput is very proud of you for that leadership!


You are rocking and rolling with your Javanon soccer team. You enjoy it so much~ practicing, passing, scoring, defending, and simply being with your teammates. Your skills have improved immensely over the last few months and it is showing. 


Speaking of soccer, you rapid up your first Futsal season with a big tournament appearance. Despite breaking a fall with your face (which resulted in a huge black eye), you scored two big goals and competed well to help your team! 


You have taken a new leadership role at golf as well~ being the older kid in small group, showing them the ropes. Coach Josh has been taking you out on the course where you've been birding several holes! You attitude and positivity are truly starting to shine through. I am so proud of you for continuing to work hard!


You are still as sweet as can be, giving me hugs daily and always wanting a goodnight kiss. Your snuggles are sincere and just make my heart light up. You are a very bright and caring young man. I cannot wait to see what life holds for you BK.

I love you!



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