Monday, February 27, 2023

Adelaide Jane: 10 1/2 Years Old

 Dearest Adelaide Jane,

My big girl, you are turning into a tween right before my eyes. Having a few "real" crushes, asking questions about things I am not ready to answer, and showing signs of womanhood. I blinked and you are a decade & some. How I wish I could turn back time to when you were a baby just eating cake pops in the Target cart.

You are working very hard in 4th grade; switching classes and having 3 teachers for two subjects. Juggling the load of homework, quizzes, projects & tests plus being an athlete. You handle it well most days and have made great grades so far. 

You are still navigating the waters of friendship, finding your niche and way. You like to befriend those that are around you; you don't really know a stranger. You are able to roll with the punches, simply going from day to day with what appears to be ease.

You are continuing to work hard this gymnastics season. Competition season is well underway and you continue to push through some trying times. Severs has flared up; but your diligence to do your daily stretches, ice, and listen to your body have been helpful. I know this season has had some personal ups & down, but I am truly proud of you for persevering.


I hope that you always smile, see the good in others, and remember that your value comes from within. I want you to remember that life is a journey, and if you're lucky enough to be on it long enough, every situation can be a life lesson. My hope is that you never allow anger or negativity to bring you down. That you RISE UP every chance you get.

I love you!



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