Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Back-to-School: 2020-2021

While some say the 2020-2021 school year looks different, I feel that our family has continued to thrive in the traditions of back to school. We enjoyed putting the "school" decorations up in the house in anticipation of the month of August. We ordered our PBK backpacks, lunch boxes, and water bottles then delighted in hanging them in the mudroom upon arrival. We enjoyed a delicious apple-centered breakfast on the day of Welcome Back & Meet the Teachers accompanied with some back-to-school goodies including personalized pjs, workbooks, get ready for *your* grade books, & fall stuffed animals. We attended church to have our backpacks blessed, and we met the amazing teachers at SMM who have worked tirelessly to make this school year happen. 













The joy in the children's eyes to be back on campus made my mom heart burst with happiness. Their smiles couldn't be contained...even behind the masks. The kindness and grace shown by parishioners, Priests, Principals, staff, teachers, parents & students has been one of the most positive things that I have even witnessed in my life. They say it takes a village, and I love the village that we are a part of at SMM.




Harvey Browne opened later in the month/early September which was such a happy time for Salem. She had been anticipating school and using her Moana backpack for weeks. She was more than thrilled to be back with her teachers & friends. She is attending one day of PDO and two days of Preschool. Her need to learn and grow in the classroom is being fulfilled and I am so thankful for that opportunity! She met her teachers for PDO in person and "drive by" style for Preschool. Both a unique and wonderful experience thanks to the teachers & staff who have worked tirelessly to make things as smooth as possible.



In 2020, I have learned that traditions can remain; and although altered slightly, they still carry the same joy & love for our family! Cheers to a blessed school year however it may look for you!


  1. All is back to normal because you’re blogging again! You are so creative with all the your family’s holidays and events. My four year old went back Tuesday. I was counting the seconds...

  2. You're too sweet! It has been hard to blog with the kids home and feeling unmotivated but here I am ;)
