Saturday, August 29, 2020

Adelaide Jane: 8 Years Old

 Dearest Adelaide Jane,

You are GREAT and turning EIGHT today! I cannot believe it honestly. It seems like yesterday when I found out that I was pregnant with you. I still remember every detail about the day you were born. I can recount each birthday, year after year, watching you grow into the beautiful, smart, determined, & sweet girl that you are. While there have been growing pains along the way, I would not want to be anyone else's mommy but yours!


You began 2nd grade a few weeks ago. It is hard to think that this is your 4th year at SMM. You love Ms. Hagan already and are super excited to have Mrs. Green again as a teacher's assistant. School suits you well and it was difficult to watch you struggle in the spring with online learning. The smile a classroom setting as well as the opportunity to learn has returned to your face is priceless and as your mom, I am overjoyed to see it again!

You made the TEAM at gymnastics. You have worked so hard to achieve this goal, and I am incredibly proud of your work ethic. You have already started making up "routines" at home which has you cartwheeling and back walking all over the house. Sometimes I catch you sitting with pointed toes just for extra practice!

You are also practicing swim twice a week. You are a fast competitor and love to win each race...especially when it is against the boys ;) You are very coachable because of your desire to excel and this is a trait that will serve you well in athletics as well as a job setting when you grow up. I know this trait well and am happy that we share it!


You have enjoyed some new freedoms during Corona. Bike riding to Mimi & Papa's alone. Biking to swim practice at HCC with cousins & neighbors. Making breakfast for the family. Owning your own pet fish and taking on all of those pet owner responsibilities. Making your own bed and putting your clean laundry away. Helping your siblings with various tasks. You have matured a lot in the last few months. 



You are a social butterfly and find comfort in routine. That is how your entire life has been. When Corona turned that upset down, you felt angry inside. You felt out of control, sad, and scared. We have had a lot of sleepovers in my room or your room to help ease those feelings. We have had "girls" night and extra cuddles. We have also had arguments and tantrums. We have had hard talks & life lessons. This time together has been a period of growth for us both, and I know when we look back on 2020 and all it brings, we will be closer & grateful for the things we learned together.

Always keep your spirit~ fun loving & carefree. Remember to laugh big & smile often. You are so very loved my sweet girl and I hope that you continue to feel & know this!

I love you!



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