Thursday, February 28, 2019

Adelaide Jane: 6 1/2 Years Old

Dearest Adelaide Jane,

My oh my, how the time sure does fly! How are you already 6 1/2 years old?! You are so wise beyond your years in many, many ways. You are a great big helper with your siblings, around the house, and in your classroom. You are blossoming as a true leader, and my mom-heart is bursting with pride!

You experienced the loss of your first tooth which was big time fun! Ms. Domzalski at SMM pulled it for you and you came home with it tucked safely in a little mini pink tooth case. We read The Night Before the Tooth Fairy then tucked your tooth inside your special tooth fairy pillow. She flew in that night to leave you with a shiny & pink glittery five dollar bill. The excitement on your face was priceless. You have since lost another tooth courtesy of Ms. D and the thrill was still the same!

You went through a bit of separation anxiety from mommy back in the fall. There were lots of tears no matter where you were going without me or wherever I was going without you. A trip to the school counselor revealed that you just missed me so much, but that mommy worried when you were sad. So we settled on lots of hugs & kissed leading up to our goodbyes. It did the trick and we are both feeling much better now ;)


You are excelling in all of your sports, and I have truly enjoyed watching your growth develop. Your tennis game is coming along beautifully as you have begun to have rallies with your coach and friends. You are loving gymnastics and are always working to ring the bell with a new skill mastered. Stroke school is keeping you busy and challenged at Blairwood. You swam in a swim meet over Christmas break and got 3rd place in freestyle and backstroke. You conquered your fear of bumping your head while swimming backstroke which was a big moment.

You had your 2nd father/daughter dance at SMM. We got you all dolled up before you met daddy to "surprise" him with your dress. He said you were a princess date and that the two of you had the best time! 


You continue to amaze me with your ability to be so intuitive to the needs of mommy, your siblings, and yourself. You are always looking to help and lead. I love this about you my sweet girl.

I love you!


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