Thursday, December 6, 2018

The Thompson Christmas Bucket List: Hang Stockings

Hanging stockings is one of my favorite holiday traditions. We always do it on a separate day than when we decorate the Christmas tree. I want it to be intentional. For each hold to realize that they’re a part of our family and that the six of us are family. They all light up when they find their name, climb up the ladder, and hang their stocking with pride. There is something sweet and inspiring as they contribute to the magic of Christmas. In some ways, it is an empowering moment for them to be a part of tradition and an event that is all encompassing if the world and its joy.

This year after a bubble bath, the kids put on their warm Christmas jammies and scurried out into the family room. The room was lit by the glow of the Christmas tree that they so delicately decorated a few days before. Laid out on the coffee table were brand new stockings; personalized and ready to be hung by little hands. The awe in their expressions as they saw the beautifully embroidered white velvet stockings with their names stitched in silver writing was almost like Christmas morning.

My favorite things about the holidays is the art of tradition and the magic & joy that the simple things bring to our life. Watching the children embrace the season has taught me so much about life and love!

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