Sunday, September 23, 2018

Brighton Kevin: 3 Years Old

Dearest Brighton Kevin,

What a thriving and lively little 3 year old you are! You are so much bigger than your actual age that sometimes I forget you just turned three. You have a budding personality and many, many words you use to communicate funny things. You love to act like a T-Rex for playtime and sometimes normal time. Ha!

You upgraded to a big boy bed and into your own new room. I love to see you run and jump into it with your Marshall, giraffe blankie, and stuffed crocodile. You pull the comforter way up over your head to "hide" from me at bedtime. You have done great with the transition and I think part of that is the comfort in knowing that Aspen isn't too far away.

You hit another big milestone: potty training! The first time you peed on the potty you exclaimed, "I'm a man!" I couldn't help but chuckle; but boy did you feel big! You have done great with the entire experience. Plus with this being my third go round', I think I have learned a thing or two.

You are a sports machine. You love soccer and tennis so much. You are back at your Monday soccer with some friends. It is cute to see how you all have grown over the spring & summer.  You are making great strides at tennis too. Hitting multiple balls in a row over the net. We learned that you do not like to miss. Coach Steve is having flashbacks of coaching your Uncle Shane! Haha!

This summer you learned to swim without floaties! You were hesitant at first, but after some one-on-one time you were excited to jump off the side and swim away. You have also graduated to group swim lessons so you get to be at Blairwood with your big siblings!

You began 2 day Two's with Mrs. Evans & Mrs. Kinney in the butterfly class. You truly love the new classroom and are especially excited to go to early birds with Aspen now. You also do one day of PDO and enjoy your "Wednesday classroom" as we call it. I love that you get to be with the same friends since you began three years ago. 

You definitely keep me on my toes. You are sweet as sugar and fierce as fire at the same time. When I think back to all of the scary things that we went through in utero and since you were born, I get teary-eyed at the what ifs. Then I rejoice in the beat-the-odds miracle that you truly are.

I love you!



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