Monday, March 26, 2018

Salem Lucille: 5 Months

Dearest Salem Lucille,

How are you nearing a half year old?! This past month was one of ups and downs. You started solids including rice cereal, bananas, apples, and pears. You are seeming to enjoy them more and more. You have continued to fight the winter weather and teething congestion this month. I am anxiously awaiting for a tooth or two to pop through!

You love your exersaucer and babbling away. You have really begun to find your voice and it suits you well. You have also started to play with your car seat toy and I can hear you batting away at it as the car ride moves. 

You celebrated your first St. Patrick's Day and you truly are one of our lucky charms. You enjoyed a little four-leaf clover purse filled with your green teether to get in the holiday spirit!

You have rarely met a day that you didn't love! I love watching your personality flourish and grow! You adore your siblings and light up at the sight of them. 

As always, I cannot wait to see what is in store for you in this beautiful life!

I love you!



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