Friday, March 23, 2018

Brighton Kevin: 2 1/2 Years Old

    Dearest Brighton Kevin,

    The last 6 months have been so big for you! You became a big brother to your baby sister. You took it in stride and very seriously. Always asking, "hold da baby." You call her "baby Salmon" which get quite a giggle from us. 

    You love to ride in Daddy's FJ and his "lightnin'" as you call it. You would ask everyday about the cars and always notice if they are missing from the garage. 

    You are in the big toddler class at school. Your teachers are Ms. Beth and Ms. Debbie. You just love them so!

    You know your friends by name and light up at the sight of them at school: Lainey, Packy, Livy, Alice, William & Wells. You are such a friendly little guy that I have no doubt you'll be one of the most popular kids in school. 

    You love to come out of school and beam with pride at your art projects shouting "I made it." I love how you are so proud of yourself for working hard.

    Finally you were able to step into the sports arena. You had been dying to try tennis so in January you started up with a 30 minute lesson with Coach Steve. You love being on the court and get quite a temper when you don't hit the balloon with your racquet!

    You also started soccer which is going great. Your little legs stretching, running, and kicking are super cute. You take such pride in having your own sports to play.  

    You have moved up to 30 minute swim lessons because you are such a little fish! I enjoy watching your progress each week as you swim around the water.

    With growth comes attitude which you have definitely found at times. I think you are trying to keep up with your siblings and hold your own. On the days where it is just you, me & Salem, you love to show love and affection as you relish in being the big brother!

    I am excited to see what the next 6 months old for you and all your big boy glory!

    I love you!




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