Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Salem Lucille: 2 Months

Dearest Salem Lucille,

Time just seems to be flying by with you! You are getting bigger and bigger by the day! You had your first little bit of congestion with the crazy weather changes, but thankfully it has stayed in your nose and not progressed to your chest. It did however prompt a visit to the doctor for precautionary measures which allowed us to get a weight check! You were 11lbs 5 ounces! You are growing like a weed my Salem girl!

This month you saw your first play at Derby Dinner Playhouse. You were a complete angel through the entire thing! You also slept right through the crazy pancakes & pajamas party that we threw for your siblings and their friends!

You had your first Christmas and we celebrated all month long! You traveled along to pretty much all of the festivities and were such a joy to have with us! Baby's first Christmas is always so special, especially in our house!

You are sleeping through the night for the most part which is wonderful! You have begun oohhing and aahhing with some babble in between. Your smile is contagious and can be found whenever I am talking to you! When your face lights up at the sight of mine, I can't help but melt!

You spend a lot of the day awake which I love. You enjoy attention from your big sister and brothers. You love the Christmas tree lights and when music plays. Silence isn't your friend! Ha! How can I blame you?! You have never known what silence is since you were in the womb!

You are a delight my baby girl. Each day with you brings new love & joy to my heart and soul!

I love you!



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