Friday, October 25, 2013

A Daffodil Dandy

Last Saturday morning Adelaide & I headed over to Vassallo Park to plant daffodils. I saw the sign as we were driving Ryan to work a few weeks ago so I marked my calendar. The park supplied the bulbs, soil, & coffee so how could I resist!

Plus as I was reaching the planting I learned that this tradition began in October 2001, two months after 9/11. The daffodils are planted in honor & remembrance of the fallen on September 11, 2001. Each year they choose a new spot around Croton to plant the daffodils and daffodils continue to come back year after year. Never being forgotten.

There were so many families helping with kids of all ages. It was sweet to see the kids digging holes, planting bulbs, and spreading soil over top. Adelaide even had her own shovel...which had to be taken away from her shortly thereafter because she thought it was a teething toy.

We really did enjoy getting our hands dirty, chatting with our community members, and continue to remember those who should not and will not ever be forgotten!

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