Monday, July 1, 2013

Adelaide Jane: 10 Months

Dearest Adelaide,

I cannot believe that you are 10 months old. It just doesn't seem real. This was a big month as you have developed in so many areas. I feel like you are such a big girl in some ways. I find myself sneaking in to peek on you at night or jumping in the bath tub with you just to cuddle more. And I have to admit something...while on vacation in Naples this past week, I definitely picked you up in the middle of the night from your crib and put you in bed with me just so I could wake up to your little feet kicking me in the side. I want to squeeze you all day!!

Your vocabulary took off this month and includes Mimi (my mom's name), bye bye, baby, mommy, & daddy. I think you are also working on Tay & bubby which you heard Collins repeat non-stop in FL.

You wave hi with a little shake of your wrist and you "queen" wave bye bye. You clap your hands often and on cue. It reminds me of how my Mama Comley (your great-grandma & name sake) used to clap. It will never get old.

You have 2 teeth coming in on the top gum which have created mounds of drool...way more than the bottom teeth. With the addition of teeth, I have continued to become braver in giving you adult foods. So far you have tried avocado, french fries, baked potato, watermelon, pancakes, brown rice, mac n' cheese, grilled cheese, and wasabi. Yep that is right, you grabbed a clump of wasabi off of Liz's plate and stuck it in your mouth while I had my head turned. You made a horrid face then grabbed a puff. I immediately gave you water which you welcomed, but other than that, all was good.

Your new favorite toy is the baby doll stroller that you use to walk around the office with daily. You push it (too fast sometimes) and cruise along until you get tired.

Socially, it has been a heck of a month for you. You had fun play dates with Caileigh & Ali which included loads of toys and snacks. You had 10 full days of madness with your cousins: Bishop, Collins, & Cooper in Naples. It is so cute to see your face light up when Bishop & Collins come running towards you. You know Collins' voice and crawl around looking for her. You also love to grab Cooper's toes and hands while she swings...and of course pulling her hair is one of your favorite new tricks. You followed Tyler & Travis around the pool as they swam and you floated. We had kid pool races which I made sure you always won ;)

You might take after your Auntie Marquette with your love of animals. We hit up Muscoot Farms (where you were especially found of the chickens & goats), the Naples Zoo (where you heard a lion roar & giraffes neck), and the Miami Seaquarium (where you fell in love with dolphins & whales). I see zookeeping in your future little lady.

Savoring the next two months before you, my dear, turn ONE!

I love you bunches!



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