Monday, November 28, 2011

Life as a Sydney Aussie (aka honeymoon part 2)

The thing about Australia is that to me it is a cooler America. It has all of the things that I enjoy about the US and none of the things I dislike. People are utterly friendly, wine at lunch is perfectly acceptable, and the land is just gorgeous. Ryan likes to remind me that the grass is always greener, and I like to explain to him that people from other countries fascinate me to no end.

So as our honeymoon in Sydney continued so did our adventures and discoveries. We started all of our mornings the same: coffee treat at Starbucks and brekkie as they say at Maccie's (McD's in our world). Starbucks has a different variety of holiday specialty drinks particularly the toffee nut latte. Think pumpkin spice and gingerbread meet to make the most beautiful baby. The menu at McD's is rather different as well. Eggs are not scrambled, Boston & New York get shout outs, and their McFlurrys are intense.

Post these discoveries on day 2, we set out on the Hop On-Hop Off City Sightseeing Tour. Ryan booked the one with Bondi Beach so we stopped off there first. The wind was blowing and the waves were crashing as surfers paddled out to ride. Along the coast line, there is a long standing exhibit called Sculptures by the Sea. You might have caught Leo DiCaprio spotted there in People mag. Such a wonderful addiction to the beach stroll.

city sightseeing tour

his work follows us everywhere! 
public library

street hustler

bondi beach

just the two of us

don't mind the swim club in the middle of the pacific

zebra art

surfer boy

my fave- the say No artwork

simply lovely

We made sure to stop on the Paddington Street strip of shops for a lengthy shopping trip. I adore shopping browsing through fun fashions. The Aussies were rocking short shorts with super fun tops and those thick heeled wedges. I fell victim to purchasing a few of those trendy outfits ;) Oops!

Other highlights included the Fish Market district, Darling Harbour (they spell all things with a u), and Central Station. There is so much to see in Sydney, but most sights are easily accessible by foot. It makes for a nice way to pretend that you are exercising while vacationing.

lunch at Dunkirk 
the bus!

darling harbour

love this view

mid-afternoon snack

We finished up day 2 with a simple dinner at Jackson on George Street across from our hotel.

artsy photo

please notice sunday specials...

dinner for 2

Day 3 started early with another surprise planned by the hubs. We hopped on a lovely coach bus with 50 other mates and headed on a day long tour. We traveled up to the blue mountains, named this because from a distance they actually look blue. We stopped in the small town of Leuret which has a French flare. Then continued on to Echo Point lookout and the Three Sisters lookout. The  mountain tour finished up with the Adventure World and a walk through the rainforest. The day's weather was misty so we technically did not see the mountains but got some lovely postcards to enjoy what we should be seeing!

reading about the tour 
the ride


Josephine's chocolate shop

echo point

train ride to the rainforest

mock fire

rainforest walk

As we descended the mountains, we stopped off at the Wildlife Park to play with the koalas and kangaroos. I love, love, love the animals of Aussieland and they very well might be my fave part of the country. So this stop was a real treat for us. We saw cockatoos, emus, wallabys, penguins, and (Ryan's personal fave) a tasmanian devil.

wildlife park! 
even wallabys get red eye ;)

love this little guy

hello little koalas

Ryan's new sleeping position

so soft

feeding the roos

hungry little buggers

looks like the hubs & me all snuggled up

baby penguins

dingo dog


To top off the tour, no stay in Sydney would be complete without the 2000 Sydney Olympic Park. State of the art facilities that are rarely used have left them in fabulous condition. The stop pumped us up for the 2012 London games! Then we cruised back to Darling Harbour via ferry and enjoyed a dinner seaside.

the olympic hopeful 
all of the flags behind me represent each volunteer from the 2000 Olympics

cruisin on the ferry

end of a fab day!

All in all, day 2 and day 3 covered so much ground that we almost felt like real Aussies! More to come about our adventures in the land of Oz!

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