Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Movie Review (Take 3)

Black Swan: A thriller that zeros in on the relationship between a veteran ballet dancer and a rival.

The Skinny: a sick and twisted version of Swan Lake that explores the neurotic tendencies of ballet dancers (or any other extremist) while under the pressure of elite performance. The film incorporates the usual stereotype of 'company owner uses his position to exploit sexual favors from approval seeking females', but it also thickens in plot with references to the late 90's/early 2000's drug of choice, ecstasy, as well as masturbation and lesbian tendencies.

My stomach doesn't fancy much for those three topics, but I do love psycho-like thrillers so I was pleased with the evening's entertainment. Not pleasing: Ryan's continued repetition of the movie lines from any and all characters for the remainder of the weekend.

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