Thursday, November 25, 2010

It is in Giving that We Receive

...and when we give all of ourselves, we fully receive allowing us to give thanks.

2010's Top 10 Things that I am
MOST Thankful for...

10. the news of a new niece or nephew
9. being confirmed into the Catholic church
8. the friendship of people from all decades of my life
7. weekly phone calls with my Mama Collins
6. mental toughness to overcome difficult thoughts and past situations
5. two visits with my best friends (courtesy of JL & Davis tying the knot)
4. my gift for writing and being able to express my emotions through such an inspiring outlet
3. physical ability to conquer challenges such as Half Dome and Mount Whitney
2. enough financial stability to be able to travel home to enjoy time with family
1. growth in faith, hope, and love within my relationship with Ryan

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