Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Today I am getting a new roommate. He is a temporary renter, but I have a feeling he has enough stuff to give it a permanent feel. After all, the man does have 2 walk-in closets that he has managed to fill to the max.

This should be a good warm up test to see if we can survive one another...

I have lived by myself for close to 9 months now. It seems to suit me just fine in terms of having space and a safe haven to reside in when I am feeling blue. But I miss having the option to come home to someone. In SD, I had Shana or Mark which was wonderful. Plus if they weren't home, then I just skipped down the block to Brooke's house. In Chi-city, there were plenty of peeps in the hood to converse with whenever I felt the need. Miami was booming with friends thanks to graduate school. And college, well 6 girls in a house makes for anything but dull.

I am excited to have the presence of another human in the apartment, even if it is temporary. So long as he does not hog the bathroom, put his butt cheeks on the dining room table, or rest his shoes upon my coffee table.

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