Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Working Woman's Wednesday (Part Six)

Since I missed last week's shout out to my lady friends, I thought I would do a dual post about the tag team of Kate "Tall Girl" Strand & Liz "The Assassin" Grimes. These two single handily ran 6 National Championships. What does this mean exactly you ask? Well let me tell you...

It means over 500 teams. 15 players per team plus 3 coaches = 18 per team. 500 x 18 = 9000 people that they are playing customer service too ( I am not even including the spectators, parents, facility directors, etc). There are over 1000 games played at 20 different pools. In case you are wondering, 2 people cannot actually be present at 20 different places, but they came pretty close to making that happen. They were able to manage all situations at all locations. That is efficiency at its best.

Here's the kicker, all 6 tournaments take place in a 2 week window. These two fine colleagues of mine worked 16+ hour days for nearly 3 weeks straight as their is preparation prior to starting and follow-up once the events are complete.

I think back to when I used to work one event for 16 days and I was exhausted. I cannot imagine doing 6...count 'em 6! Kuddos to 2 of the 3 Chick Production Gang!

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