Thursday, August 5, 2010

What Day Is It?

I am not exactly sure what day of the week it is. I forgot what it was like to be out of the office working an event and having the feeling of serious misplacement upon return (especially since my two day hiatus was a sneak attack). Delirious is not a strong enough word to desribe our entire staff, most notable KStrand & Liz "The Assassin" Grimes.

6 National Championships in 2 weeks is a bit insane from a planning and execution stand point. Nonetheless, it reminds me of a similar job (can you say Sony Ericsson Open?) in where I genuinely adorded my position, tasks, and environment. Sigh.

As the summer in the greater Los Angeles area takes a turn into home stretch, the water polo community will gear up in Miami next week. We are hosting the UANA Junior Pan American Cup at Gulliver. With their new facility, an International PASO Conference, and the blazing heat, we are all in for a real treat. Not to mention, those are my old stomping grounds if you know what I mean.

Bring on the cuban flare!

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