Tuesday, July 27, 2010


For nearly half a decade now, Josh has been turning his passion into our treasure. Inspired daily by those individuals in his life and the ideals he holds strong, Joshua Lee designs clothes for everyday living. His designs are bold, much like his beliefs. His style mixes the American contender with the bad boy feel. His vibe is one that screams bonafide bad a$$.

Ladies, do not fret. Redhawk Brigade designs for women too. Think less bad boy and more femme fatale. Add the flare of an accessory or two, and you'll be as hip as the fellas.

In accordance with his beliefs and support of our troops, he has dedicated many pieces to the military personnel of the United States.

Check out Redhawk Brigade for the newest gear.

Don't miss out on the next big thing!


  1. Just now saw this whit.. thanks for spreading the word

  2. No prob Josh!!! Will try to post something new in the next week or so :) See you guys next weekend!
