Monday, September 23, 2024

Brighton Kevin: 9 Years Old

 Dearest Brighton Kevin,

My son, my miracle baby~ today you are 9 years old. Many days I feel like you are still that little newborn that I prayed so hard for to be healthy and safe. Other days you’re like a little old man in all the mature ways. Most days, you’re somewhere in between. I truly soak up all the days with you. 

You’re in 3rd grade loving every minute of Mrs. Schulten. You are excelling in school and thriving on independence for homework & study skills. You also love being a leader in class. 

In your 6th year of summer swim team, you completely crushed it at City Meet. Finishing in 2nd place in the boys 8&u backstroke, you swam your little heart out! All three of your relays finished in 3rd place which isn’t bad for non year round swimmers. Mostly you continue to be a team player in all things that you do!

This summer saw a ton of growth and success in golf. You played hard on numerous courses and practiced daily. Laine Schulten and daddy were your star caddies. Both positive and cheering you on. 

You continue to lead and grow at Javanon with soccer. It’s been a process {often not fair} but you always take it with your head held high. Coach Taiye is teaching you so much on the field and you appreciate his rules & policies. 


You are participating in your first fantasy football league~ the draft was an interesting experience as you put players in places based off your knowledge of their names! You’re enjoying this new fun adventure with friends. 


You’re always a BRIGHT light Brighton. Keep shining and making the world better one day at a time. 

I love you!



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