Saturday, September 23, 2023

Brighton Kevin: 8 Years Old

 Dearest Brighton Kevin,

My sweet son, how are you already 8 years old?! Entering 2nd grade, doing all of the big kid things, and growing up right before my eyes. Recently I was with some of your friends' moms at a school meeting. We were asked to pray for our children as they begin preparing for the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion. As the candles lit up the room and we sat in silence, I couldn't help but let the tears flow. To think how God performed a miracle the day you were born, it was an overwhelming feeling of joy & gratitude.

You are loving having Ms. Hagan as your 2nd grade teacher. You are flourishing in knowledge and growing by the day. Your handwriting is nothing short of perfect, and you are truly enjoying the reflex math games.

Soccer is still your jam...playing on your Javanon team and traveling for games. You are starting games, and you are taking on a leadership role. Ali is your coach and he is hard on you in the best way. You are really showing your growth in the sport and as a teammate!

You continue to enjoy golf; adding a weekly league to your practice has been a way to keep it fun. You play 9 holes at Seneca Park on the Par 3 course. This has allowed you to learn the game and deal with competitive situations.

You continue to be a very friendly little fella. You know no strangers and are always happy to chat with anyone. You have a zest for life that truly suits your name & personality. My hope is that you always keep the worldly-ness about you as well as your joy for life.

I love you!



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