Sunday, October 25, 2020

Salem Lucille: 3 Years Old

Dearest Salem Lucille,

How are you three years old sweet girl?! As you say, "no more paci but I can have lovey." That pretty much sums up you turning 3 today! You are playful yet wise. Two of my favorite characteristic that you possess.

You have grown so much over the last year. You are taller...almost a tall as your brother Brighton. You are slimmer, losing that baby chunk that I wish we could hold onto a little longer. You are smarter...counting to 10 and singing your ABC's. You continue to anticipate the world around you and the daily routines of your family. You are a helper...a big helper who feels pride in completing "big girl" tasks. But mostly you are joyful. Joyful in ways that I hope you always hold onto and never lose as you continue into the world.

You potty trained seamlessly and feel so big about it. Your Minnie Mouse underwear were a huge contributing factor and made for a smooth transition. There is something sweet about a little girl accomplishing such a big moment in life.

You are in big girl "school" at Harvey Browne 2 days a week. You love Mrs. Evans & Mrs. Kinney and always look forward to seeing them on Tuesday & Thursday. You are also in the butterfly class with Vivie & JoJo which you absolutely adore.

You also started dance class with your friends and you are *tutu* cute. You love to tip tap around with your tap shoes sporting your ballet bag. You strut yourself right into the studio with the biggest smile. I love to come watch the last few minutes of class to see what new moves you've learned. And you love to come running up for a big hug in between those moves!


I love when people say you look like me. I love to think that the joy in your heart & soul came from your mommy! I also love the way you resemble your Mimi when she was a little melts me heart to think of all the beauty inside & outside that radiates from 3 generations.

Salem Lu, you are a joy to be around. You are easy to love. You are the piece that completed our family. And you will always be my little girl.

I love you!



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