Sunday, May 19, 2019

Aspen Michael: 5 Years Old

Dearest Aspen Michael,
Oh my sweet boy how are you 5 years old today?! You have grown so much in the last six months, and I am so excited for the things ahead of you. Your personality and interests are blossoming & you are truly starting to come into your own.

You starred as a crocodile in your first SMM Christmas play this year. You were adorable singing the songs and helping tell the story of the lost sheep. The smile on your face during the performance was priceless.

You have worked so hard on learning your numbers and letters throughout this school year. I have enjoyed seeing you "study" at school, at home, and in OT. Each week you seem to get more & more which makes us both feel proud. You also began hippotherapy a few weeks ago. You absolutely love riding on Topper the horse. You can even catch and toss a ball while riding in circles. 

You tell me all the time that you are brave. It is one of my favorite things to hear you say. To know that you have fears but are conquering them with the love & encouragement of me makes my mommy heart skip a beat. 

You are quite the social butterfly at school. Daily I have other moms telling me that their kids want to have a play date with you and talk about you all the time. I have worried that you will be bullied or not liked by your peers at times. So when I hear this I am relieved yet also happy that people see the sweetheart in you.

You have matured in other areas too. You are a great big brother to Brighton & Salem...helping them, being gentle with them, and setting a good example on good choices. You have taken an even deeper liking to Beaumont and love to feed him & walk him in the mornings.

You are so excited to attend SMM next year with Adelaide. You have already asked her if she will walk you to your classroom, and you have told me that when you make good choices you will get on "gold" behavior. I see the joy in your eyes when you hit milestones and are able to do things that your big sister Adelaide does. You truly look up to her and I love the bond that you two have.

Aspen, don't ever stop hugging me 10 times before I can leave the house or giving me a million kisses before I put you to bed. No matter how old you get, don't forget that you are my baby.

I love you!


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