The months continue to fly by and you continue to be more & more fun with each passing day! You are roaming the house with avenges and loving that new found freedom. You can be found playing with door stoppers, books, pulling up on the coffee table, and attempting to eat dog food most days.
You have been a busy bee learning and exploring with new toys too. You love things that push and pull. You are enjoying tagging along to big kid activities too! You rode the carousel for the first time at the zoo and had a blast! You also got to "bounce" for the first time at House of Boom which was a huge hit. You were even trying to bounce yourself by lifting your little bum up and down on the trampoline.
You are loving our mommy & me swim classes. You graduated to submersion in the second class and never looked back! You are another little fish like your siblings which I love. You are also enjoying that one-on-one time attention for sure.
We saw your first trip to the ER with a little ear piercing accident. In the middle of the night, you woke with cries and nothing would help to get you back down. This is incredibly rare for you to wake and not be able to go back to sleep. After about 30 minutes, I had an ah-ha moment and checked your ear. Sure enough I was unable to see your earring. So we headed to the ER in our jammies and enjoyed a 4 hour visit. Basically the hole had not closed up inside and was the same size as the small earring. The doctors were able to take it out and a few days later our pediatrician gave the go to put a larger size stud in. I am happy to report that your ear is perfectly healed and looking gorgeous with your tourmaline birthstone new earrings!
You have two teeth~ the top fangs. They are razor sharp but oh so cute to feel. You are saying "mamama", "dada," "baba" and what sounds like "hi" at times.Your smile is contagious and you are so very lovely. Your bleach blonde hair has grown this summer and is coming in nicely.
People have told me recently that you look like Mimi and I. I definitely think you favor the Collins family for sure. You remind me so much of Aspen at this age. But you are unique and beautiful in your own ways too!
I love you!
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