Thursday, July 26, 2018

Salem Lucille: 9 Months Old

    Dearest Salem Lucille,

    You are officially 3/4 of a year old which is crazy hard to believe. I think back to last summer when you were still in my belly and it seems so weird to remember before you were born!

    You are a full blown table eater enjoying turkey, cheese, pancakes, french toast, chicken nuggets, carrots, apples, blueberries, and strawberries. You also love grilled cheese and sweet potato fries. You eat 3 meals a day and still have 3 bottles of formula. You remind me so much of Aspen on this aspect. Eating ahead of the curve ;)
    You are a crawling machine and absolutely love the freedom that comes with it. You can be found roaming the house and often like to find the next door stopper once you enter a room. You love to hear them make sounds. 

    You celebrated your first 4th of July like a champ and loved the holiday outfits as well as the light up flag and confetti poppers. You had a few tastes of popsicles courtesy of your siblings and enjoyed refreshing dips in the pool.

    You also closed out the month by getting your ears pierced. You were such a sweet little customer and the diamond studs make you look more grown up for sure. Between your blonde hair, pierced ears, and growing thighs, I don't know how to slow down the time!

    As always, you are pure joy!

    I love you!



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