Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Salem Lucille: 8 Months Old

Dearest Salem Lucille,

What a busy month of milestones and fun you’ve had! You are in a full blown frog crawl these days and loving the freedom to move. You are so proud of yourself and prefer to move rather than sit now. You also began pulling up while we were on vacation and that gives you such delight! Although you have a ways to go before walking or standing on your own, I can tell you feel big!

You began holding your bottle by yourself during our drive to HHI and that has made you seem so much more independent than before. You smile with pride as you mark milestones off the list. 

You enjoyed your first trip to the beach and loved the sand between your toes as well as the ocean waves soothing you to sleep.  You love a good beach nap like the rest of us! 


To match your love of beach, you’ve developed bleach blonde hair for the summer. Your sweet hairdo is one of my favorite things about you! 

You are on the hunt for table food, trying french fries for the first time as well as whipped cream thanks to Mimi! A girl who loves her dessert, you fit right in with Adelaide & I. You are putting everything in your mouth, including a lost tack that you found 🙄 So we’ve begun removing any small pieces of toys from the house within your reach. Final time to baby proof has begun!

You truly are easy peasy, go with the flow, and living up to your name of “peace.”

I love you!



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