Monday, May 7, 2018

Festivities in the Bluegrass: Derby 2018

This year, we enjoyed some new Derby festivities! Being back in KY for this time of year has brought so much fun for the kids and I! Last year we did it up big time adult-style with our NY friends. Hitting up a bourbon tour and the Kentucky Derby.

This year schedules were crazy so we decided to enjoy the more kid-friendly activities. I took Adelaide & Aspen to Thunder Over Louisville courtesy of BB&T. The air show and fireworks were a huge hit!

We also got up early to see the Charity Balloon Race out of Bowman Field. With donuts in hand, the kids loved watching the sunrise as the balloons lifted off. It was a perfect little Thursday morning to see the excitement in their eyes!

In a last minute decision, Ryan & I decided to have an early morning date to Dawn at the Downs. It was breathtaking to see the sun rise, the track, and beautiful horses collide all at once.

I look forward to exploring new Derby events each year with the kids. It brings back memories of my childhood that I long forgot about. Being a Louisvillian is even more fun this time of year!

1 comment:

  1. awesome pictures.
    have a great day.
