Sunday, November 26, 2017

Salem Lucille: 1 Month

Dearest Salem Lucille,

Oh my sweet girl how you complete our family! You are such a joy in every way imaginable. You are true to your name (meaning peace) and such a go with the flow baby.  You love the cuddles and kisses from your big sister and big brothers. And boy do they love you! They are always looking for you as soon as they get up in the morning and they have to kiss you goodnight before bedtime. They each love you in their own way and you are navigating that well!

You are a growing girl and have already had two growth spurts. Typically you take 5 ounces of formula each feeding with the exception of the middle of the night (that one is kept to 4 ounces). You are on a pretty good schedule and spend about 1 1/2 hours to 2 1.2 hours awake at a time. I held onto the last newborn diaper even though you outgrew them so quickly. Not having another baby to save them for, I wanted to savor the very last one. So now you are fitting into the size 1 diapers and I am holding back the tears of my last newborn in newborn diapers!

You have graced us with your first smile at 3 weeks old and your dimple is the cutest thing I've ever seen! You are bright eyed and love to peek at things around the house. Your eyes get so big at the Christmas tree lights and the mobile on the swing. I have a feeling that you will always take in the world around you!

In your first month, you have already experienced to big holidays! You were the cutest DJ Suki around for Halloween...joining your siblings as Poppy, Branch, & Guy Diamond! You had a few Halloween outfits courtesy of big sister Adelaide as well as my shopping habit. When it came time to fold them and put them away, I couldn't bring myself to get rid of them. The emotions were just too high to give away the first few days of outfits of my last newborn. So they are in a pile in the basement closet just so I can hold on a little longer...

You also celebrated your first Thanksgiving and phew do we have so much to be thankful for! You are such a blessing to my life, to our family (both intermediate & extended). You will never know just how thankful I am that God gave you to us. You, of course, had a plethora of Thanksgiving outfits too! Some old and some new but all just as cute as the next!

You already had your first trip! We spent Thanksgiving in French Lick complete with a horse & carriage ride, a turkey feast, lots of holiday activities, and a ride on the Polar Express! Checking off those states you've traveled to one at a time...and fitting right in with our crazy crew!



Sweet girl, I cannot wait to see what the next month brings with you and to see how you grow! 

I love you!



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