Seeing Christmas morning through the eyes of your children is one of the most amazing moments. Since having kids, we haven't been able to have that exact experience due to always being in KY (rather than NY) on Christmas morning. This year we had the most magical Christmas morning watching the kids discover that Santa had come while they were sleeping. It was one of my most cherished moments in life.
Prior to Christmas morning, we spent Christmas Eve Eve visiting with Ryan's Grandma Lee. She enjoyed the special time as did the kids and I think all parties were worn out when it was time to go home!
We spent Christmas Eve with the Thompson side enjoying brunch, opening gifts, then heading to church. We then headed to Amanda & Shane's for a yummy dinner. Amanda did such a fabulous job hosting and making it cozy for all!
Christmas day, after Santa gifts were played with & gifts from mommy and daddy were opened, we headed to my parents. We indulged in our traditional poppy-seed bread breakfast followed by more presents! Then we lounged/napped/watched Christmas movies until it was dinner time. It was such a magical & relaxing day!
Hopefully you enjoyed your Christmas season as much as we did!