Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Kissing Her 20s Goodbye: A Surprise 30th Birthday Party

Surprising Kendahl takes an army...a very secretive and sneaky army who had to go to great lengths to keep her from finding out. We are talking cryptic communication people. BUT we did it!

My beautiful little sister turns 30 on January 16th so we pulled the party up a few weeks to include her friends that live elsewhere who were home over the holidays. Held at my parents house with the rouse being that they were hosting a holiday party, we were all waiting inside with kisses for Kendahl!

candy bar!

30 balloons with 30 notes to Kendahl

cousin love



Mommy & her girls

She was utterly surprised...as in tears of joy and not quite comprehending that this was indeed a party for her. Ha! We ate. We drank. We told stories. We laughed. It was truly a wonderful evening celebrating an amazing woman who I am lucky enough to call my sister!

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