Thursday, August 16, 2012

38 Weeks aka My Failed Attempts at Inducing Labor & Endless Crafting

Myths About Inducing Labor

  • walking
  • spicy foods
  • exercise
  • sex
  • castor oil (I draw the line somewhere)
  • eating pineapple
  • riding in a bumpy car
  • talking to your baby
  • body massage

Those crossed off the list indicate ways in which I have attempted *key word* to induce my own labor. In case you haven't caught on, I am still pregnant meaning that I am further contributing evidence that these are indeed only cruel, cruel myths for impatient, uncomfortable, anxious pregnant women.

Last week I walked and exercised every single day. This week I have put my working out into overdrive by being intense with my inner strength class, eliptical time, tennis games, and pregnancy exercises. Riding shotgun with Ryan on the NY roads is basically like riding in a constant bumpy car so *bonus* points for me there. I talk on the regular to this child about gracing us with his/her presence. I've tried the sweet mommy approach, but maybe I need to bring out the serious parent tone of voice. Is it too early for that? Monday I went for a massage and begged the masseuse to touch every single trigger point on my body in hopes of evicting my child.

Aside from operation induce labor, I have also been crafting up a storm. All of my nesting has transformed into holiday and gift crafting. Yes, I have concocted up Ryan's anniversary gift for November as well as his Valentine's Day gift for 2013. I have bought nearly all of the Christmas gifts for those on our list. I have wrapped birthday gifts for family and friends through the rest of the year.

And let's not forget about the elaborate fall, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas decorations that I have purchased, labeled, crafted, and boxed up to be scattered around the house. Plus our fall decorations may have been out since last week because, let's face it, I can only sit still watching Law & Order: SVU episodes for so long. At this rate, I will have next year's holiday shopping complete if this baby doesn't get here soon!

Please, please, please come meet your mommy and daddy little Baby Thompson!

1 comment:

  1. have you tried acupuncture? I almost tried it but the day before my appointment was Avery's birthday! I know women who swear it worked for them. Good luck!
