Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Points to Ponder

On my walk into work, I often let my mind wander (when I am not on the phone of course) leading to life's little mysteries and a few unanswered questions...

1. Why is it that we are taught not to lie yet we excuse ourselves for the little white lies claiming we are protecting someone's feelings? Are we really protecting someone else or are we protecting ourselves?

2. Where do all of the homeless people in San Francisco go when it rains? On a normal day, they fill every street corner, every nook and cranny, but on the days of rain, they are nowhere to be found.

3. Why do weddings cost so much money? Isn't it about the commitment being made to one another?!

4. How do natural disasters occur? Is it a force of God trying to teach us a lesson or is it just part of how He created the world?

5. Where do million dollar ideas come from? Do these people have an epiphany or something??

6. Why wasn't I blessed with an amazing talent or something? I would have done a phenomenal job of singing Amazing Grace if given the right vocals!!!

7. Why do I so love the smell of rotten eggs?

8. Why was Satan created (damn you Eve)? Wouldn't it have worked out much better to just all be good??

9. What was the NCAA Selection Committee thinking when they decided to make UK a #4 seed and Florida a #2 seed? Did they somehow miss the results of the SEC Championships game?

10. How can cupcakes taste so good but be sooooo bad for you? Honestly, its not right.


  1. My favorite post this week Whit! Now I am sitting and pondering all of these questions except #8 because sometimes it is fun to be bad! Miss you! XOXOXO! Phone date soon?
