Friday, January 28, 2011

Devastation in My Life has Finally Struck

No. More. Gingerbread. Lattes.

Yes the day has come where the endless gingerbread syrup has squirted its last squirt. Devastated is an understatement. I mean I knew this was coming. Wednesday the barista told me that the teeny, tiny bit of syrup left was most likely going to another customer as soon as I left and then there would be no more until next Christmas. I chose to not believe him. There is always a pessimist or a grinch lingering around to ruin peoples hopes and dreams of warm, gingerbready delight. I simply thought I was meeting him on the sunny Wednesday morning of January 26th.

Much to my dismay, he was just a realist trying to break the news to me softly yet sternly. My head told me to listen, but my heart just could not let it be. So today, I found out the truth. So long little GBL...I will miss you! Stay warm, bold, and gingery until we meet again.

R.I.P. my gingerbread man

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