Tuesday, January 25, 2011

As I mentioned in my weekly recap, I can't quite figure our if I am drinking more or less coffee. With the specialty drinks going out of season, I thought the frequency of my Starbuck's morning rendezvouses was lessening. Accompanied by my desire to have perfectly white teeth for the wedding and the gift of my first ever teeth whitening retainer, I was determined to let my be-a-full-blown-adult-and-drink-coffee-each-morning attitude go.

But I found a loop hole...gingerbread latte unadvertised. Yes that is right folks. Just because they do not advertise does not mean they do not exist. Sometimes all it takes is a little question. The gingerbread syrup is tucked neatly in a little cabinet only to be used on the most loyal GBL drinkers of which I am currently leading the pack ;)

So in theory, I am doing this...

Teeth Whitening to the Extreme

...only to enjoy this...

My boo the GBL

Sad and semi-pathetic I know. But can you blame me?


  1. I secretly get peppermint mocha lattes in the middle of July... Guess my secret isn't a secret anymore...! :)

  2. glad to know that I am not alone ;)
