Thursday, May 19, 2022

Aspen Michael: 8 Years Old

 Dearest Aspen Michael,

Where to even begin my sweet son; I truly do not know. It is hard to believe that you are 8 years old today. Eight full years of loving you and the joy of being your mom. Eight years of the blessing you bring to my life and to our family. Eight years, ninety-six months, and two-thousand nine hundred twenty days of waking up to the biggest smile & the warmest hug from you.

You have grown so much from year 7 to year 8. Constantly facing challenges and curve balls with a lot of grace and humility. These things are not easy for you; but the strides you have & continue to make are cause for celebration.

You have flourished in 1st grade, reading over 32 books in your AR program {doubling the goal!}. Your math and spelling skills continue to become stronger week after week. Your teachers have so many wonderful things to say about your progress. Not just in the classroom either. They are complimentary of how you guide and lead others, as well as what an amazing friend you are to your classmates.

You have graduated to green ball tennis~ dominating tournaments throughout the Midwest. You even took a trip to FL to play in the Little Mo at West Palm Beach. You took home the runner up trophy and I do not know if I could be prouder of you! You worked hard, had fun, & realized that you are very strong mentally. In the finals, you had to overcome a horrific nose bleed & head-to-toe wardrobe change to continue. You persevered though, once again showing that all of your hard work mentally is paying off.

You are an amazing kid, Aspen Michael. I hope that you always know it and feel it in your heart & soul. Being your mom has taught me so much and has brought such joy to my life these last 8 years. I hope that the next 8 are just as fun and full of growth for the two of us.

I love you!



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