Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Branch Out For Some Fun: Aspen is Turning 3

Aspen is a HUGE fan of Branch from the movie Trolls as well as the House of Boom...so we decided to combine the two for his 3rd birthday party! He was so excited about the "Branch" accents especially his very special Branch birthday cake! 

This was the first year that he really understood the party was for him and that his friends would be there to celebrate. He loved seeing his classmates outside of school...even though he couldn't quite understand why Mrs. Evans & Mrs. Kenney weren't there!

He loved bouncing, jumping, and climbing with his cousins & friends. He loved his special troll hat and Branch shirt. He loved his pizza, cake, and ice cream. But mostly he loved spending time with those who love him!

We are so thankful for friends & family who BRANCHED OUT FOR SOME FUN!

Friday, May 19, 2017

Aspen Michael: 3 Years

Dearest Aspen Michael,

Time certainly does fly! How are you 3 years old already?! You are so big in many ways. You are tall and strong. You have all sorts of words, thoughts, and ideas. You put great sentences together and well thought out paragraphs. You have a very sharp memory, and you are definitely an observer.

These last 6 months have come with a lot of challenges. Probably the most difficult in your little life. You have battled sleep apnea which has made for an equally painful time for you and for me. With the bad sleeping, you have had some pretty horrible tantrums and meltdowns. It has been hard to watch as your mommy because you are by nature a sweetheart. And when you are not throwing a fit, you are that gentle, lovable baby boy.

To help with the sleeping, you had your tonsils and adenoids removed about 10 days ago. You were so brave during your surgery and have been making good strides at getting better. You took your pain medication for a few days then just started refusing it. You have had some bad night terrors due to the anesthesia and adjustment in your REM cycle, but I am confident that this will be better for us all in the long run.

You love copying your big sister and playing right along side of her. And you are working on being a better "helping" big brother! Sometimes you think Brighton is your size and play a little too rough with him.

You love Mrs. Evans and Mrs. Kenney, your teachers, and you have so many friends/classmates. You have grown a lot this school year and it has been a joy to watch. You truly have blossomed into a good student which makes me smile. 

You love playing basketball, tennis, and golf. You are attentive and listen to instruction. You love riding your balance bike and Adelaide's bike as well. You love ice cream, yogurt, and salads. You have been enjoying Starbucks' vanilla bean frappuccinos too! 

Your snuggles are contagious as you always ask for one more hug and kiss at bedtime. I know one day you will not want to hug your mommy as much or kiss me in public so I am trying to savor these moments even when it adds an extra 15 minutes to bedtime!

I want to apologize to you for losing my patience with you at times recently. We are both so exhausted that it weighs on you and I in different ways. I know you are doing your best to control your emotions and impulses. And I know that you are just a little boy. I promise to remember that more often than not in year 3!

I love you!

