Monday, February 26, 2018

Salem Lucille: 4 Months

    Dearest Salem Lucille,

    Now that your cousin Vivie has arrived, you are looking bigger and bigger every day! It is hard to believe that you are 4 months old, one third of a year! 

    This month you celebrated your first Valentine's Day in lots of sweet ways. You showed so much love and happiness for all that it was contagious.

    You went on your first trip to Disney where you truly were magical. You barely made a peep unless it was squeals of excitement for all that you were seeing!

    You have had a lot of teething pain this much and nothing seems to help. I am hopeful that a tooth will show itself soon and you can find more comfort.

    You are a moving machine. Literally attempting to crawl and not only moving in circles but also from point A to point B! I can only assume this is to keep up with your crazy older siblings!

    You continue to be a joy to us and all of those around you! Keep growing and learning and being the sweetest girl in town!

    I love you!



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