Saturday, November 18, 2023

Aspen Michael: 9 1/2 Years Old

 Dearest Aspen,

Time is flying by and soon you’ll be double digits! I can hardly believe it when I stop to think about how long I’ve had the privilege of being your mom. You have been such a blessing to my life.

You are excelling in 3rd grade and loving every minute of having Mrs. Schulten. You are always working hard and ahead on your work. You have excellent study habits and aim to learn & please with your academic success. 

You are a truly wonderful friend. You are kind to everyone; always making sure you show empathy for others. You are inclusive and genuinely enjoy the company of your friends.


You have struggled with tennis~ understanding how to navigate being old 9 1/2 but having the abilities to play against high schoolers. You don't always see the relativity and perspective right now. But you are working hard to overcome the perfectionism and criticalness that you put upon yourself. I am so proud of how you are growing and improving your thoughts. 


You are really into football stats~ knowing which teams are beating others and memorizing their season records. You can be found wearing your Bengals jersey pretty much every day. You also are an avid CATS fan~ making sure that they keep fighting in their SEC quest.

You are still quick to give me a hug in the morning, noon, and night. Even when you're upset, you still squeeze me tight. I hope that you always continue to seek solace and peace in all that you do. And my prayer for you is that you know how beautifully made in the eyes of God you are as well as how loved you are my son.

I love you!



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