Monday, April 26, 2021

Salem Lucille: 3 1/2 Years Old

 Dearest Salem Lucille,

My sweet Lulu you are nearing 4 years old rapidly. You are a little social butterfly chatting away with me all the time. You truly are a 4th child and youngest sibling as you strive to be so big all the time. Whether I am cracking eggs, brewing coffee, cleaning up messes, or folding laundry, you are always eager to help.


You have loved every minute of school so far, rotating between the butterfly class & Ms. Lisa's PDO room. You often like to play pretend school, asking me to be Mrs. Evans or Mrs. Kinney. You enjoy packing your lunchable & apple in your backpack for after school just like your big sister Adelaide does each day.



Speaking of your big sister, whenever she isn't around you typically cry for a few minutes because you miss her so much. She is really your best friend and to see how much you love her makes my heart happy. You equally love your brothers too...often wanting to be right by their side no matter how rough they are playing.


Mondays are for dance and your first recital is coming up soon. You love your cousins & friends being in the same dance class as you. I cannot wait to see you in your costume with a tappin' attitude! You adore Ms. Jae and constantly keep her on her toes ;)

You are really into playing Barbies and baby dolls. I often find you calling me Mimi, while you pretend to by Tay-Tay married to daddy (aka Robbie) carrying around your American Girl Doll "Vivie" and your baby boy named "Ford." You love to pretend like the large spinning chair we have is a boat & spend a lot of time in FL watching the dolphins on the ocean from your boat. You have such a wonderful imagination!


You continue to be so much fun; sometimes a Tasmanian devil, but overall a sweet girl who stole your mommy's heart 3 1/2 years ago when you were born. Keep smiling and giving big hugs all day every day.

I love you!




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