Saturday, February 27, 2021

Adelaide Jane: 8 1/2 Years Old

 Dearest Adelaide Jane,

My sweet girl you are 8 and a half years old. You are beyond wise in so many ways and it can be such a breath of fresh air. You’re independent in certain regards, but I love how you still sleep with pictures of Mommy when I’m away because you miss me. I love our Friday night sleepovers in my bed and the snuggles you give in the mornings. Your big smile when you sneak up and scare me from around a wall corner is contagious & always a source of giggles.


You are working hard in school and have made the adjustments necessary to continue to learn. There has been anger, frustration and sadness at times which is hard to watch for my happy-go-lucky girl. But I am so proud of you for pushing through it all and working as hard as you can during these times. You love your teacher Ms. Hagan so much and can often be found making artwork for her. You enjoy being in class to learn and socialize with your friends.



Your love for gymnastics continues to grow as you have competed in three meets so far. It has been a joy watching your hard work & efforts come to fruition. You are so excited to be with your teammates in your  matching uniforms, laughing & cheering each other on! The friendships you are making are wonderful and hopefully will last a lifetime. I am so glad you're surrounded by wonderful coaches and friends.

You continue to enjoy swimming and racing more specifically. Luke & Emerson are your fierce competitors and friends which has been such a fun experience. You are also loving this new swim session with your cousins~ Collins & Cooper. The car rides home at night are a real hoot to say the least!


You continue to be a good helper and great example for your brothers and sisters. You have really stepped up in helping around the house too. Walking the dog, cleaning the dishes, making your bed, and helping to shower your baby sister. You are also taking an interest in helping Aspen & Brighton with their homework. Helping them with sight words & reading. Checking their math answers and encouraging them to keep working hard. You are growing into your role as big sister nicely, and I am beaming with pride at how much alike we are in regards to being the oldest child.


Keep being kind and being the sweetheart that you are my girl. I know you are processing so much in the world right now, and you are handling it as best as possible. For that I am proud of you and I am here for you always.

I love you!



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