Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Salem Lucille: 11 Months Old

Dearest Salem Lucille,
What an amazing 11 months it has been with you! You are my little errand runner, cuddle bug, and sweet Salem girl. You are as happy as a clam and love to be taken anywhere. You love for people to smile & talk to you! 

You seem so much older than your age to me most days. I think that has to do with being the fourth child and watching everyone else has you picking up on things quickly.  You just seem to get it and handle yourself with ease...for now ;)

You are a full blown eater enjoying three meals a day and two bottles. Although the bottles are more for comfort than anything. You love pretty much all foods: fruits, veggies, meats, cheeses, and snacks. You want what your big sister and big brothers are having too!

You love to drop things in the car and have others pick them up for you. You also like to play this game in the high chair. Beaumont has really taken a liking to you thanks to this new trick! Ha!

Your right, front bottom tooth has poked through making that a mouth full of three tiny teeth. I think the bottom left will be joining before you turn one. You seem to take the teething in stride which makes for a happy home. 

You are enjoying your first fall with apple picking and baking apple pie. You were as cute as ever when you reached your little hand into the bag of apples for a taste. Biting straight into it with no hesitation whatsoever. You are sweet as apple pie!

I cannot wait to see what the last month of your first year has in store baby girl!

I love you!



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