Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Pajama Party

I am not generally so forthcoming with my actions or words that provide proof of my less than full-blown adult ways. Don't get me wrong...I would love to go back say 5 years with less wrinkles and higher energy. But in the spirit of trying to embrace adulthood, I rarely disclose my childlike antics.

Sometimes though, you just have to release that inner child and let it ride. So on Saturday afternoon, Ryan & I decided to have a last minute pajama party. Truth be told, we had no plans to venture outside (I had a long to do list of things around the house and on the computer but nothing pressing me to explore the city). He worked a ridiculous schedule the prior week of early mornings and late, late nights. Sleep was of top priority on the weekend agenda.

10am came and went. PJs on. Breakfast brunch was cooked and served. PJs still on. Laundry was done, and floors were vacuumed. PJs lingered. Sadly enough, pages were printed from the 3rd floor business center of our building, a.k.a. a public setting. PJs refused to come off. Don't judge me.

Around 5pm, we HAD to take the car for a spin to map out our route to the bus stop for our 5:30am departure the following day for Tahoe. Begrudgingly, we both threw on some jeans and a sweatshirt to make the dry run. Back home by 6:30pm, the PJs were eyeing us again.

PJs, you win.

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