Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Driving 101 for the Greater Los Angeles Area

Dear Fellow 405 Drivers,

If you could be so kind as to learn how to drive I would be one happy commuter. I have been driving for many, many years and have driven in a multitude of cities. You, my friends, are pretty dang terrible. Perhaps a few pointers would help assist you in doing a better job navigating the roads.

1. The speed limit is 55. No need to go any slower as it messes with the flow of traffic.
2. If you choose to go less than 55, move to one of the far right lanes.
3. When 2 or more cars have passed you (and you're in the fast lane), kindly move yourself to another lane.
4. Slamming on your breaks for no apparent reason is damaging to your car, its breaks, and your gas mileage. Not to mention it is incredibly annoying and causes anxiety to those around you.
5. Gawking at a wreck, flat tire, or tow truck on the side of the road is unnecessary and only causes more accidents.

And to my drivers who come to a complete stop when they enter the OC for "Heaven only knows" reasons, I would greatly appreciate if you could refrain from this ridiculous act. It is really affecting my mental and physical health.

Thanks in advance,

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