Dearest Adelaide Jane,
How did we get to 11? On the other side of 10...the side that heads into teenage years sooner rather than later. You are growing up before my eyes and it’s both beautiful & heart breaking all at the same time.
You are very smart. Bright in ways that make being your mom both challenging and rewarding. You flourish in an academic way and you have a yearning for learning. 4th grade wrapped up nicely and you’re already working hard in 5th grade.
You continue to work hard in gymnastics. You had a very busy late spring and summer. Qualifying for Nationals by doing one routine at Regionals then turning around and testing out of Level 4 less than a week later with completely different routines. You competed in Nationals in NOLA and you truly shined.
You are maturing at home~ settling into your new big sister duties. Helping with household chores, assisting your siblings with homework, making meals for our family, and just being a more “active” part of keeping up. You shine most when you’re helping others which is something I hope you always hold in your heart.
You continue to make friends and be inclusive. You are always the peace maker~ wanting friends to talk things out and be a mediator. You often come off as little tough, but deep down you have a very special heart.
I am so proud of the young lady that you’re becoming. I hope you always remember to be uniquely you~ there is no one else like my Adelaide Jane.
I alove you!